We have positions for research professors, postdoc researchers, graduate students (PhD, MS), and undergrad research students.
Please contact me via ymyi@uos.ac.kr if you are interested in joining our lab.
Students with CS background (C/C++, Python programming, Computer Architecture, Algorithm), as well as ECE and AI, are preferred.
연구실에 관심있는 분들은 연락바랍니다 (ymyi@uos.ac.kr).
- 대학원생: 온디바이스 LLM, LLM 분산딥러닝, NAS, FPGA기반 AI가속기
- 학부생: 온디바이스 LLM, FPGA기반 AI가속기
학비 전액 + 생활비, 해외학회 참석, 인센티브 지원
As of Apr. 2024